
Holy Communion

Worship is central to our life together at Sunrise Presbyterian Church. In worship, our community rejoices in God’s presence in the world and in our lives, offering our praise and thanksgiving, being transformed, renewed and equipped to answer Christ’s call to us.  We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month.  Our Sunday Worship service is also live streamed each Sunday morning.  You will find a direct link here: 

Fellowship Time
Sunday worship binds us together in community, and we enjoy that community during our Fellowship Time at 10:45 in the Multipurpose Room.

Worship Center
In Worship Center, the children learn about and explore worship with age appropriate art, music and stories.  They return to the sanctuary during the last hymn or before communion on Sundays when a sacrament is offered.  Worship Center is offered from September through May.  During the summer and at other times, children may find Worship Bags in the narthex containing puzzles, coloring pages and stories which relate to the scriptures read in worship.

Sunrise maintains a professionally staffed nursery during Worship and Sunday School for children from birth through age 5.  An usher or greeter can direct you to the nursery.  Parents are asked to sign in their child  each time they visit the nursery and to familiarize themselves with our Nursery Policy.



Sunrise Presbyterian Church

825 E. Beloit in Salina, Kansas 67401
Phone: 785.823.6344 – Fax: 785.823.6345