
Presbyterian logoSundays
Over the years, Sunday morning worship has been an opportunity for youth to participate in leading worship.  Many youth have shared instrumental music, read the responsive psalm, served as liturgist, or sung with the choir.  As happens in all organizations, the number of youth who participate changes from year to year.  At times there are many, and at other times, there are fewer youth who choose to become involved.  We welcome young people to worship with us and to participate in worship leadership.

Study and Participation in Presbytery
Jesus said, “Where two or more are gathered, there I will be also.”  Sunrise Presbyterian Church has a long history of nurturing and supporting children and youth in their learning and in growing as disciples of Jesus.  When evening activities are held, youth, adults and children may share a meal together before beginning a lesson.  Topical studies and relevant issues like bullying, peer pressure or food insecurity may be featured.   Some other activities include mission projects or a movie night in our theater.  The youth send representatives to the Presbytery of Northern Kansas Youth Council which helps to plan events and youth rallies.

Summer Mission Trips and Camping
Youth participate alongside adults on mission trips with the Presbytery of Northern Kansas.  Many participate in summer camping through Heartland Presbyterian Center camping.  Every three years our youth have the opportunity to attend PCUSA Triennium for youth.

Song time with the campers

The Big Slide

Back to Back Balloon game

Story time for the campers!

Sunrise Presbyterian Church

825 E. Beloit in Salina, Kansas 67401
Phone: 785.823.6344 – Fax: 785.823.6345